Fabric Covered Holiday Tins









Piles…We have them everywhere.

Little piles of mail and receipts. Little piles of pens and markers. Little piles of “things” that need to get organized in this room or that room. Little piles of to-do’s.

I don’t want to see anymore piles! I must disguise them!

I became the hero of a few holiday tins that sadly lingered on the bottom shelf at Goodwill Mansfield. At 50 cents to $1 each I could have taken them all, but then I’d eventually need to buy boxes, to hide my tins, to hide my piles.

















I also picked up this amazing colorful floral fabric at Goodwill Mansfield. I wish there was more of it because I’d sew myself a duvet cover, pillow cases, curtains, a sofa cover, and a shower curtain with it! But there isn’t quite enough for nearly any of that, so let’s cover one of the old holiday tins!










And we’ll cover the other one with this coral polka dot napkin that I thrifted a few years ago.










All we need is mod podge, a foam brush, scissors, paper and a pencil.










STEP 1: To determine how much fabric to use I rolled the tin along the paper, marking the paper about 2-3 extra inches at the top and about a ½ inch on the bottom. After you’ve rolled the tin completely around the paper, mark the paper about a ½” over where the two sides met. This will give you some wiggle room to overlap the edges.










STEP 2: Remove the tin and then cut along your markings on the paper to make your stencil.

STEP 3: Lay the stencil on your fabric and cut the fabric accordingly.

STEP 4: Apply a layer of mod podge directly to the tin.

STEP 5: Place the edge of your fabric on the seam of the tin, ensuring to have your 2-3 extra inches of fabric at the top and your ½” extra at the bottom. Slowly begin pressing the fabric around the can and smoothing as you go.

STEP 6: Apply a layer of mod podge to the outer edges of the bottom of the tin so that you can press in the extra ½” of fabric. (It will be really wavy but you’ll be able to trim some off then smooth it out when you add the top layer of mod podge on later).










STEP 7: Apply a layer of mod podge to the top 2-3 inches inside the tin so that you can press in the extra fabric from the top. Slowly begin pressing the fabric around the inside of the can and smooth as you go.

STEP 8: Allow everything to dry for 30-60 minutes.

STEP 9: Time to seal the fabric with an outer layer of mod podge! Simply brush the mod podge right on top of the fabric. I recommend brushing all your strokes in the same direction.

STEP 10: Let dry overnight.

STEP 11: (optional). Repeat steps 9 and 10 to get any spots you may have missed and to add an extra layer for durability.

















STEP 12: Fill with aforementioned piles of stuff!


FinalTins2 (3)
















If this project piqued your interest, come join me at Goodwill Mansfield on Saturday, January 25, from 11 a.m.-1  p.m. I will be leading a craft project during their 50th anniversary celebration! We’ll be using colorful fabrics to decorate vases, make no-sew flowers, and to cover an entire piece of wood furniture! Hope to see you there!


Happy Thrifting,

